John McLaughlin says...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

John McLaughlin says "If I flap my wings like this, I can fly!"

Sorry, I took a screenshot of John McLaughlin thinking I could surely come up with something clever to say with it. This is the best I could do.

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It's icy!

It's icy and, therefore, cold outside. This is a nuisance. Haven't you figured this out for yourself?

Now, I finally know why Octobaby got rid of her extra limbs. That's way too much surface area to keep warm.

Six-legged long johns don't come cheap


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That "not so fresh" feeling

Friday, November 16, 2007

Have you ever been in a car with heated seats? They're quite handy when it gets cold outside. But if you're not expecting the seat warmer to be on, it's quite a different sensation, as you feel your ass slowly warm for reasons you can't explain. It's more of a "Did I just crap myself?" type of feeling.  

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Too much girth? 

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Read about Paris Hilton: Activist.

Paris Hilton is being praised by conservationists for highlighting the problem of binge-drinking elephants in northeastern India.

Activists said a celebrity endorsement such as Hilton's was sure to raise awareness of the plight of the pachyderms that get drunk on farmers' homemade rice beer and then go on a rampage.

"The elephants get drunk all the time. It is becoming really dangerous. We need to stop making alcohol available to them," the 26-year-old socialite said in a report posted on World Entertainment News Network's Web site. Her comments were picked up by other Web sites and newspapers around the globe.

I guess this means no Paris-Elephant sex tape.  Worse, it means no Paris-Elephant love child.

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Clearing the notepad

Thursday, November 08, 2007

My notepad is full of ideas that seemed a lot better in the drunk of night than in the light of day. Instead of having a bunch of ideas staring at me, I thought I'd clear out some of those unused notes. Enjoy.

1. No blankets allowed on a bar's patio. I was on the Maloney's patio for my friend Geoff's birthday, and some clown went to his car to retrieve blankets. If you're cold, go inside.

2. Meridith Vieira is hot and doesn't get credit for it.


3. That waitress at Jose Peppers. I went to Jose Peppers with my brother Tom and his girlfriend awhile back. The waitress was training some new guy. She had this attitude of "I'm the waitress in charge of training new wait staff, blah blah blah" and came off like a snooty, know-it-all bitch. Karma caught up with her. She spilled water all over the table. Tom looked at the waiter-in-training and said "that's not what you're supposed to do."

4. Kansas liquor laws. I know I'll get inspired enough to do a full-on post someday, but here's what I got for now. Some places in Kansas still don't have liquor on Sundays, and you can't buy liquor at the grocery store. Bars can't have a happy hour. Somebody explain how these aren't the stupidest laws on the books.

5. What happened to the Inappropriate Mime? Way before YouTube, there was a site called They had a video called "The Inappropriate Mime." It was funnier than pretty much 99% of the other stuff out there now. The site's gone now, and the video has disappeared off the face of the web. It featured a mime taking a dump in his hand and eating it, blowing his brains out and throwing them at onlookers, doing a double handjob from his knees, etc. It was brilliance. Now it's gone.

6. Where did they hide Micheal Mahoney? The unfortunate looking newsman has virtually disappeared from KMBC 9 News in Kansas City. I think it has something to do with their switch to high definition. You're a badass Mahoney, and that says a lot. You're ugly as sin, and you spell "Michael" incorrectly. You're making up a lot of ground somewhere. I think you should start going by Micheal "Cajones" Mahoney. P.S. Bring back the stache'

Mahoney in reverse-chronological order of bestachedness (from left to right)

7. Pizza Shoppe is the only pizza place where you'll regret not getting a salad. It's the pink stuff.

8. Nick Nolte was chosen to lead the straight-to-video-on-demand revolution. This troubles me. He also reproduced last month without authorization.

9. There is way too much product placement in Talladega Nights. I know it's a film about NASCAR, but they milk that for every cent it's worth. This movie is also about 30 minutes too long.

10. The name brand TiVo machine has a much better fast-forward feature than the cable companies' version. You can sit back, fast-forward, and once you notice a scene, hit play. It will magically take you back to the perfect spot every time. You have to sit on the edge of your seat with the cable company DVR and squint at the screen and just hope you press play at the right time. TiVo just needs to hurry up and license that shit out to the cable companies.

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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Have you heard about the baby with eight limbs?

As of this writing, the baby's 40-hour surgery to remove her excess limbs is going quite well.

Here are some of the twisted highlights:

"We've managed to remove the parasitic twin out of Lakshmi's body and started reconstructing her pelvic bone. We have managed to get the pelvic bone together."

The conjoined twin stopped developing in the mother's womb, and has a torso and limbs, but no head. It was joined to Lakshmi at the pelvis.

When Lakshmi was born into a poor, rural Indian family, villagers in the remote settlement of Rampur Kodar Katti in the northern state of Bihar believed she was sacred. As news of her birth spread, locals waited in line for a blessing from the baby.

Her parents, Shambhu and Poonam Tatma, named the girl after the Hindu goddess of wealth who has four arms. However, they were forced to keep her in hiding after they were approached by men offering money in exchange for putting their daughter in a circus.

The article doesn't explain why the baby needs to not have eight limbs. This troubles me. If there's no medical emergency that calls for taking Octobaby's powers away, shouldn't they wait to ask her if she'd rather be an Octowoman, and deal with the "freak show" label, or if she'd rather lose her powers and live a normal, boring life?

Sadly, Octobaby never had a choice.


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Standard Time

Sunday, November 04, 2007

I didn't stay up late, I didn't sleep in, and I ended up pissing away the only benefits of this whole time-change nonsense. When we lose an hour in the Fall, I know it's going to end up being one of those days when I need a 24-hour day. The time-change benefits me in one way: keeping my clock purchases in check. If I ever got the urge to go on a clock-buying spree, Daylight Saving Time would surely keep me grounded. No one wants to deal with setting all those clocks all the time.

Hey government, I have a suggestion for you, and I'm not even going to charge you for it. In the Spring, let's just set our clocks a half hour ahead. Then, we'll have a compromise between Standard and Daylight Saving Time and never have to mess with our clocks again. Why has no one elected me to office yet?

Maybe we can use this clock for a couple months a year.

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Fun with photos

Saturday, November 03, 2007

I'm so proud of Christopher Burke for his Attorney General nomination.

Which mortician is doing Laura Bush's makeup?

Oops, forgot the bite marks.

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Friday, November 02, 2007

I changed the header of this website today. I think it's fun. Especially since you can stare at the "Matt" part and it kinda messes with your head, thanks to it's quasi-three-dimensionality. You see that!? How the subhead totally plays off the header? I kick ass.


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Lonely Ferrigno

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

All this Goulet talk has me thinking about Lou Ferrigno.

"I'm twice the size of Chris Benoit, and I never even killed a kitten!"

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My tongue hurts!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Goddammit, pork chop, you burnt my tongue!

Why you gotta smell so good to trick me into eating you before a proper blowing?


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Letters: Rate where it is?

The Kansas City Star publishes many letters that make no sense. Here's one, with my thoughts included:

Rate your life

To determine a proper medical treatment, you may be asked, “On a scale of 1 to 10, where is your pain?” With this information the doctor is better able to help.

Where is my pain on a scale of 1 to 10? I think I need a special map for that one.

Let's assume the writer meant to say "On a scale of 1 to 10, how much pain are you in?" I still don't think I've ever had a doctor say this to me. Besides, if I were there on Level-1 pain, I would hope they'd kick me out of the office and call me a pussy.

With personal satisfaction in mind — looking for a happy and healthy feeling — on a scale of 1 to 10, where is your most satisfying condition?

What are you talking about? On a scale of 1 to 10, where is my most satisfying condition? This still makes no sense. I'm not even sure what this guy is trying to say.

Looking at marriage, family life, work and studies, relationships, use of leisure time, efforts to create a healthy life, hobby enjoyment, reading and studying time, efforts to help others in need, church relationship, meditation times, times for play and joy, etc., could we not improve our lives, and possibly the lives of others, by responding to what we discover on the scale? I believe so.

What do I need to be smoking to follow this?

Doug Sutherland

I can't believe you signed your name to this, Doug. The best of luck to you.

I think Doug got a little too caught up in his point system. I think he meant to say "find what makes you happy, and go do more of it." Kudos to you, Doug. Great message. Next time, I don't want to have to eat imported Chinese toys to decipher your brilliance.

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Matt thanks John Stamos

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

There are a number of ways people come to Most visitors have the site bookmarked, some come over from my MySpace, Facebook or YouTube pages.

A few people come to the website through web search. Check out the breakdown of search strings that have brought people to the site this month.

My personal favorites are "mama fratelli" and "joey greco gay." But they're all pretty good.

BTW, I guess I need to blog about John Stamos more. Send in your steamy Stamos shots ASAP.

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Right Brain vs Left Brain test

Monday, October 15, 2007

I've seen this "Dancer Test" a couple different places over the last week, and thought I'd share it with you in case you missed it.

You're supposed to look at the dancer spinning. Some people see her turning clockwise, and others see her turning counterclockwise. How you interpret her supposedly tells whether you're right-brained or left-brained.

I see her turning clockwise, naked and a little chilly/aroused.

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Blog Action Day

Today is Blog Action Day, where bloggers unite to spread the word on the environment. This is my contribution.

If you believe extraterrestrial beings visit the Earth with any regularity, you bear more of the responsibility for keeping the planet clean. The Earth is your home. If you have people coming over to your house, you should try to clean things up. Therefore, if we have visitors from outer space, you really should clean up this mess.

The end.

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Let's get creative!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

If you have some lead-infused Chinese toys lying around the house, I'm thinking we should all get together and have another "Lick and paint with Bob Ross" party. I've got some G.I. Joes in my parents' basement that will get me and at least five other people completely Schiavo-faced. First come, first served. Call dibs soon, or you're on your own. My schedule's pretty open this week. Let me know.

BTW, I made the queso last time around. Someone else needs to step up.


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Burma vs Myanmar

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

All the talk about Myanmar has me thinking about an old Seinfeld episode.

Most articles about the current situation in Myanmar also refer to the country as Burma. Seinfeld tackled this more than ten years ago in "The Foundation," originally airing on September 19th, 1996. If we haven't figured out what to call it since then, maybe it should've stayed Burma.

Elaine: Mr. Peterman, you can't leave.

J. Peterman: I've already left, Elaine. I'm in Burma.

Elaine: Burma?

J. Peterman: You most likely know it as Myanmar, but it will always be Burma to me. Bonne chance, Elaine. (to a passerby) You there on the motorbike! Sell me one of your melons! (runs after him)

[The phone is not hung up.]

Elaine: Mr. Peterman?

[New scene.
Jerry's apartment.]

Jerry: Where?

Elaine: Burma.

Jerry: Isn't it Myanmar now?


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Damn you, Columbus

Monday, October 08, 2007

I just got back from the bank.

It was the one time in years that I needed to talk face-to-face with a banking official. It was a dead end, as today is Christopher Columbus Day. Private banks close on Columbus Day for reasons the public can never know.

I'm thinking about joining the Columbus Day opposition movement. The main argument is that Columbus and his friends weren't very nice to Native Americans. I think I can buy into that hype, if it means denying a holiday to bankers and mailmen.

If a closed bank or post office is the only way you know when a holiday happens, it's not a holiday worth closing for.

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Cauliflower: Brocolli's bitch

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Dear Cauliflower,

GO AWAY! Nobody likes you!

You only exist because whoever invented the veggie tray had some extra room on there and said "maybe we can just throw some of that tard broccoli from the manure pile on there to balance out the look." Somehow, it stuck. Plus, I'm guessing produce departments can pay at a cost just above prostrate pigweed for this worse-than-soy filling agent.

The only reason people eat you now is because you're ugly, and they don't want to have to look at you overwhelm the tray while the decent vegetables diminish in quantity. If it weren't for ranch, you'd be permanently screwed.

You taste like cardboard. Your texture feels of sand. You're a worthless, filthy vegetable, and I hope some kind of disease wipes you off the face of the planet.



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Free advertising!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

I always find it funny when a bunch of people get pissed and go after a business, intending harm.

The latest involves three businesses in Johnson County. A grand jury indicted them for promoting obscenity. Hollywood at Home for four DVDs, Spirit Halloween for obscene costumes, and Priscilla's for five sex toys and a videos.

Free advertising!

I wouldn't have heard of, or even noticed, the Lion's Den in Abilene if it weren't for all the stories of obscene products, watchdogs writing down customers' license plate numbers, or the giant "Every time you wank to porn, the baby Jesus cries" (paraphrased) billboard.

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That Noise Meter is rigged!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Every time the noise meter comes on at Kauffman Stadium, I try my best to hush the crowd.

"Shut up, it's rigged! If everyone's quiet, you'll see!"

They don't listen. They just keep mindlessly screaming as the noise meter continues to climb, tricking all in attendance into thinking they just blew the top off the stadium. Posers.

Wouldn't a legit noise meter with an unattainable peak be more efficient in getting fans to cheer as loud as possible? The bigger question: Why haven't the Royals hired me yet?

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Mrs. Butterworth needs gastric bypass

Poor Mrs. Butterworth. She's fallen on hard times. Years removed from her TV stardom in the 80s, she's turned to a life of gluttony, her face and defining curves disappearing into an undefined blob.

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What's the matter with technology?

Thursday, September 27, 2007

I've figured out what's wrong with technology. All the people who appreciate the laziness technology affords don't get off their asses to invent new stuff.

The only reason an automated Jetsons-like shower doesn't exist at this point is because all of us who think the process should be automated assume that some other lazy-ass will get the word out that this technology should exist.

In fact I heard that Joseph Barbera didn't die of natural causes at the age of 95, but from shock that the automated shower hadn't been invented yet.

Al Gore says: "All the buildings in the future are on stilts because of global warming."

Al Gore says: "Have you learned nothing, assholes! AirCarpool, goddammit!"

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How cops get vacation?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Don't mess with a cop who looks like he needs vacation.

Almost every time a cop shoots his gun or tases someone, he goes on "paid leave," a.k.a. vacation.

Obviously cops don't typically shoot or tase people just to get time off, but it makes you think.

"Fluorescent power enabled!"

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Sunday, September 23, 2007

I got burned last night by introducing myself to someone I'd met before.

Every once in awhile, I get the feeling I don't have the skills to succeed in society.


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Does Lars know about this?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I was perusing my Facebook today when I stumbled upon this:

Lars, are you selling out to the Internet? The Internet that cost you millions of dollars? Or is this just Facebook continuing its transformation into MySpace?

For the sake of my fun, I'll say Lars is selling out. Someone must've shown him a graph similar to the one I've constructed below.

He was just missing the y-axis all this time.

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Phlegm on a plane!

Friday, September 14, 2007

I'm flying to Chicago tomorrow morning for a little mini vacation from whatever it is I do.

My friend Kevin and I are visiting Tony, some jerk we know from high school. Factoid: Tony's nickname was Garden Hose in college.

Like any trip or major holiday, it looks like I'll have some kind of cold to battle.

Star Jones before gastric bypass

I know I've got at least three ounces of phlegm in these lungs. Does that mean I need to take my lungs out and put them in a Ziplog bag for carry-on?


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Rescuing Britney

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Enjoy this video from a Britney Spears ally. Note: contains language not suitable for small children or a touchy workplace.

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Running yourself to death

Thursday, September 06, 2007

This article's way too long to read, but I get the impression that it proves, once and for all, that endurance training makes you age quickly.

Let’s get one thing straight right off the bat: Endurance training is antithetical to anti-aging. So it amazes me when guys in their 40s and 50s who are training for a marathon or Ironman suggest that doing so will keep them young. It won’t. You may feel like a stud now with your shaved legs and your magic marker biceps tattoos, but endurance training speeds up the aging process almost as fast as watching TV, drinking sodas and eating potato chips. Actually, in some cases, it speeds it up even faster.

I didn't bother reading beyond this opening paragraph, or do any further research on my own, but there it is. On the Internet. Proof of what I've always hoped.

Fellow lazy asses: we're getting drunk, eating pizza, and smoking Marlboro Reds tonight.

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Urinal carpet

Monday, September 03, 2007

On my return trip from Big Lake, Missouri, I had the honor of discovering an interesting restroom configuration.

As you know, most gas station restrooms are filthy, especially when located off the Interstate. While this restroom was clean and tidy, someone made the curious choice of putting a carpet square under the urinal.

Yes, taking a photo in a public restroom is as awkward as you think. Luckily, no one with a wide stance or otherwise was occupying the restroom.

So, why would you put a carpet square under the urinal? Here are the only reasons I could come up with.

1. To soak up piss for easy cleanup
2. Piss puddles are less apparent when soaked in carpet
3. It really brings a heretofore neglected sense of warmth to the urinal

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Botox, moles and a flashback clip

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Chris: wtf
Chris: why would you tell me that
Chris: when im about to eat, ass
Stooks: it reminded me of cindy crawford's mole
Stooks: i'm going to put that factoid up with the flashback audio
Chris: so does jose canseco
Chris: i see
Stooks: jose canseco reminds me of aaron neville's mole, not cindy crawford's
Chris: aaron nevilles mole never took steroids
Stooks: bs
Chris: although that would explain the high voice
Stooks: and the mole acne
Chris: uncontrollable mole rage
Chris: the mole killed several other moles then attempted to hang itself

(1:33 podcast) Here's a flashback that helps make sense of it all.

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R.I.P. "Internets" and "Interweb"

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I've decided I'm sick of hearing people say "Internets" and "Interweb."

I love Colbert as much as the next guy, but this is getting worse than overquoting Napoleon Dynamite.

Originality, people! Bunch of pwned n00bs.

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Mascot wanted

In my daily perusal of Craig's List for marketing gigs, I found this (emphasis mine):

We are looking for two individuals who are hard working and need a little extra cash. The job is to dress up as a mascot and wave to children during author signing. We are in need of two mascots for this upcoming event. The event will be held at Sam's Club, 8300 West 135th Street, Overland Park, KS. Pay rate is $10.00 per hour. The schedule will be Friday, August 31, 2007 from 12 noon to 6pm. The mascots will be Thumbs Up Johnnie a thumb print and Banker Bill a $10 bill.

We will need a highly energetic person. Great for a college student. The person will be wearing a costume that consists of black tights, black long sleeved shirt, over that would be a large body hat, gloves and spats that will cover their own shoes. Everything for the costume is provided for them. They will not have to do any talking; however, will need to show a friendly non-threatening demeanor.

Let's break it down:

1. Hard work = Waving at children
2. Pay rate is $10/hr = Desperate for cash or really creepy?
3. Highly energetic = Waving at children takes lots of energy.
4. Non-threatening demeanor = Don't chase the children while wielding a chainsaw and dressed as a $10 bill. We learned our lesson last time.

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"What if?" Michael Vick Edition

Monday, August 27, 2007

What if Michael Vick had sponsored bumfighting instead of dogfighting?

Do you think Dr. Phil would invite him on his show and then throw him off without interviewing him? Or do you think he would've milked his moustache the interview a bit longer?

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Castro keeps going, and going

Okay, listen up Internet.

If I have to postpone another "Castro is Dead!" celebration party, you don't get a chance to hit the piñata.


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American Gladiators return!

Friday, August 24, 2007

"The timing to bring the franchise back is perfect, and NBC is the ideal home." - Gladiators producer douche.

Look for it, minus Nitro, midseason. Maybe they could get him as an analyst. You can catch reruns on ESPN Classic. Here's Nitro talking about the event the Gladiators hated the most. One hint: it's not acting.

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Pit stains

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Look at me. What a piece of filth.

"Gross, it's a Gorby stain!"

"Yes, God gave me this, and he made me bald. WTF?"

Now, you might ask, "Why don't you throw away your filthy, pit-stainy shirts, Stooks?" They're undershirts, that's why. It's their job to sit there, under my shirt, protecting it from pit stains.

Apparently, I suffer pit stains because I overapply and/or don't let my antiperspirant dry before "donning clothing."

From (gotta love the non-profit sweat-related sites):

“Just rinse the affected area of the garment with cold water before you wash it...It’s the acidity of antiperspirants that causes staining. Instead of washing those stains out, warm or hot water can ‘set’ them by causing a chemical reaction that binds the stain to the fabric. Pretreating with a stain remover can make the situation worse."

And if that doesn't work?

Call the toll-free customer service number located on the label of the antiperspirant. The manufacturer may have additional stain removal ideas or may even help you replace the damaged item.

I have to make that call. Not because I'm that desperate over pit stains, but because that would be a conversation to record/cherish for a lifetime.


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Fanny pack and a beard

Monday, August 20, 2007

I saw a guy at Target who had a beard and a fanny pack, a combination never witnessed before.

Here's where a bearded fanny pack falls in the echelon of likeliness to wear a fanny pack:

1. Overweight woman at a theme park
2. Thin man with several kids at a theme park
167. Guy with a beard
168. Hugh Downs


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Who are you, and what have you done with Star Jones?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

"My new TV show starts Monday on Court TV. Be sure to tune in for the horror."

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I thought musicians were more virile

What happens when six perpetually flaccid, yet musically inclined, buddies all discover Viagra at the same time?

Take a look.

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Have we learned nothing from Demolition Man?

Why do I always think "Judge Dredd" before I realize I mean to be thinking "Demolition Man"?

Even though Demolition Man showed how easy it was to defeat a retinal scan 14 years ago, companies keep developing the technology.

Snipes was even frozen before the technology was around, and quickly figured out how to defeat the system.

Next up: penile scan.

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September 11th General Strike

Monday, August 13, 2007

If you haven't heard yet, you're not supposed to go to work, shop or go to school on September 11th, so that the government can know how uncool everyone thinks everything is right now. Plus, that means no one will buy gas, and we'll all be able to get it for 99 cents a gallon again. Internet forever!

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TV Guide goes big, small time

Friday, August 10, 2007

My grandpa is going to spend the next couple of weeks in assisted living.

He's used to the guide feature on his dish, so he needed the help only a TV Guide could offer. On the way to visit him yesterday, I went hunting for the surprisingly elusive Guide. The story ends in horror.

First, I went into QuikTrip. No luck there. I awkwardly left the convenience store with nothing in hand, after frantically scanning the magazine and newspaper racks like a horny teen searching for a Hustler to shoplift.

Rather than try other convenience stores with misspelled names, I headed into Hy-Vee. I went to the magazine section of the store, and struck out once more.

Cursing my stupidity for not looking for the TV Guide in its natural habitat in the first place, I walked toward the checkout stands.

I had to look like a madman, my head bobbing up and down each of ten checkout lines' magazine racks before finally locating the TV Guide. That's when it struck me: at some point between now and the time people used the TV Guide to find out show times, they made it a full-sized magazine.

I spent the rest of the afternoon asking people if they knew whether TV Guide still made the small version, because this simply made no sense. No one could confirm or deny its existence. A visit to TV Guide's website shows no small guide option, either.

The small TV Guide was the Reader's Digest of lazy people. When you had to pull yourself away from the TV to vacate your bowels, there was the TV Guide, with its perfect size for toilet reading and promise of further TV enlightenment.

I decided to do some investigating, by taking my concerns straight to the top. Luckily, TV Guide has a customer service section where you can ask questions.

After entering my message, I clicked the submit button. Look what happened:

A technical problem with a simple web form? Not likely. TV Guide must've programmed its feedback tool to suppress any and all inquiries including the words "small version of the TV Guide."

You'll never get away with this, TV Guide.


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My, how the mighty have fallen

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I had a great time with my dad and brothers at Tuesday night's Royals game.

The Royals ended up winning, and we had a great view.

Wait a minute. Zoom in. Is that Family Ties' Michael Gross serving Bud Light?

In fact, this Michael Gross-a-like has been serving beer at Kauffman Stadium for as long as I can remember.

Cheers, bro. It's been too long.

Now, where's the peanut guy who looks like Jean Claude Van Damme and the "come on guys let's buy this stuff" guy?


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Freaks are underpaid

Monday, August 06, 2007

While perusing Careerbuilder today, I stumbled upon this interesting position.

Ten bucks an hour? Do you realize how many hours of nakedness you'd have to pull off to make a living?

Poor nudists. Always taken advantage of.


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The return of the Delorean?

Sunday, August 05, 2007

The Delorean might make a comeback. Now Christopher Lloyd can pimp something other than DirecTV. Every one of those DirecTV commercials depresses me in a profound way.

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Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail?

Monday, July 30, 2007

A blog post from Tangerine Toad mentioned the old "Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail?" DOS failure message, and reminded me of this classic computer problem.

From Wikipedia

The message would prompt the user to hit "A" to abort the operation, "R" to try reading the data again, or "F" to attempt to proceed without the necessary data...The Ignore option would just hand some 'default' data back to the application that requested the operation, and the user would have to hope that this 'default' data would not interfere with the operation of the program.

Most users, including myself, rarely had luck with any of the methods. But looking back, I see a bit of a personality test.

Which option did you choose?

Abort: You likely pressed "A" faster than any of the non-Abort DOS users pressed their respective keys. You freak out easily. What were you thinking trying to execute that command in the first place? Time to spend a couple weeks away from the computer. This might be a good thing. The last time your daughter got dysentery in Oregon Trail, despair drove you to plunge your wagon through an impassable river.

Retry: You're a blind optimist. Luckily, your family came to expect long absences, as you endlessly pecked away at the "R" key. One day, a loved one bursts into the room: Windows 3.0 to the rescue. Unfortunately, you refuse to fail, continuing your never-ending stay in Dos purgatory.

Ignore: Your life is in shambles. You ignore anything negative in your day-to-day life. "Everything's cool" is your mantra. If only your computer obeyed commands like your Geo Metro. It's supposed to smoke like that. Now if they could just route the "I" button to a gas pedal...

Fail: You're a Microsoft user for life.


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